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7th Moyo Open Pardubice
7th Moyo Open Tournament 2018Pardubice, Czech Republic, 13th-15th of July 2018Bonus Point Tournament C category The tournament is a part of Czech Open Festival of chess and gamesDetails in English: general details about a venue : SYSTEM:McMahon system, even games, 6 rounds, 60 min. basic time and byoyomi 15 moves/5 min. or 1 move per 30 sec. according to the type of clock. PRIZES:1st place 8000 CZK2nd place 5500 CZK3rd place 4000 CZK4th place 2500 CZK5th place 1500 CZKAdditional prizes for top 5 players - passport holders of any of the EGF member countries1st place 7000 CZK2nd place 4500 CZK3rd place 3500 CZK4th place 2500 CZK5th place 1000 CZKplayers with 6 wins (except of top 5) - 600 CZKplayers with 5 wins (except of top 5) - 400 CZKPrizes can be paid either in CZK or in EUR (1 EUR = 24-26 CZK approximately)Valuable prizes for players with 4 wins, and also for best female player and best players under 10, 12, 15 and 18 years old on condition they will have at least 3 points.SCHEDULE:Friday, 13th of July15:00-17:00 : registration18:00 : 1st roundSaturday, 14th of July9:30 : 2nd round14:00 : 3rd round17:00 : 4th round20:00 : social evening at the swimming pool under open air, BBQ, food & drinks, live music, swimming poolSunday, 15th of July9:00 : 5th round13:00 : 6th round16:00 : prize-giving, closingENTRY FEE for players from EGF member organisationsrating >= 2550 : 0 + free accommodation in a students dormitory2550 > rating >= 2350 : 02350 > rating >= 2050 : 10 EUR / 240 CZKothers : 13.5 EUR / 320 CZKPlayers who are not members of any EGF member organisation will pay 50% surchargeDISCOUNT for players who register by 30 of June - up to 18 years old : 50%- others : 25%You can register either here (if you want accommodation in students dormitory or none): here (in any case, please fill "GO" into a field Tournament) players (interactive for those who register at goweb)
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